论突发公共事件预警机制的建立 摘要:近年来,伴随着城市化进程的日益加快,全国各地城市的规模在不断扩大,城市的人口也日趋稠密。由于中国正处于社会转型的关键时期,自然环境脆弱、社会矛盾复杂,城市的抗灾能力和灾害隐患日益严重,城市公共危机爆发的频度和烈度都空前增加,严重影响了我国社会和经济持续稳定发展。党的十六界三中全会指出,要“建立健全各种预警和应急机制,提高政府应对突发事件和风险的能力”。 ……(快文网http://www.fanwy.cn省略339字,正式会员可完整阅读)…… tendency of urbanization. a company with the expanding of the city scale and the increasing of urban population. the control and coordination of crisis of cities becomes an unprecedented social problem because now china is in the vital transitional stage and facing worsened nature environment, complicated social problems, and deteriorated capability of anti-disaster and catastrophe. during its transitional period, china is suffering from different kinds of public crisis, and its economic development and social stability have been seriously impacted. the sixteen boundary third plenary session of the central committee point out that the should building the ability impro ……(未完,全文共14627字,当前只显示880字,请阅读下面提示信息。收藏论突发公共事件预警机制的建立)
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